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Where to Watch Short Films

Explore top platforms for discovering and watching captivating short films. Discover curated collections and utilize leading video-sharing sites to enhance your short film viewing experience.
Relaxed woman watching video in the night at home

Where to Watch Short Films

Explore top platforms for discovering and watching captivating short films. Discover curated collections and utilize leading video-sharing sites to enhance your short film viewing experience.
Relaxed woman watching video in the night at home

The realm of short films is a treasure trove of creativity, offering poignant narratives, riveting dramas, and whimsical tales – all delivered in under 40 minutes. But where can one find these bite-sized cinematic treats? We’re here to guide you to the best platforms where short films truly shine.


Short Films Matter

At Short Films Matter, we embody the belief that good things come in small packages. Our platform serves as a haven for those who cherish the artistry of short-form storytelling. We meticulously curate a diverse array of films spanning various genres, ensuring each piece not only entertains but also stimulates thought. Moreover, our commitment to quality over quantity guarantees a consistently enriching experience. What sets us apart is our dedicated team, who provide expert reviews and feedback, complemented by star ratings, to guide your journey through the world of short films.


Film Shortage

Next up, we have Film Shortage. Known for its discerning taste – showcasing films that are not just good, but exceptional. The site’s curation process ensures that every film featured is a visual delight and a storytelling triumph. From experimental animations to gripping documentaries, Film Shortage offers a diverse range of shorts that cater to every palate. If you’re looking to discover the next big thing in filmmaking, this is your go-to spot.


Short of the Week

For those who love the thrill of discovery, SOTW is a must-visit. As its name suggests, this platform introduces a new short film every week, making it a year-round film festival that you can enjoy from the comfort of your couch. It prides itself on uncovering hidden gems and spotlighting emerging talent. The films here are meticulously chosen to surprise, inspire, and move you. With a new short film landing every week, it’s like receiving a gift that keeps on giving.


YouTube and Vimeo

Of course, no discussion about short films would be complete without mentioning the behemoths – YouTube and Vimeo. These platforms are vast oceans filled with countless short films, but navigating them can be daunting. The key to finding what you’re looking for lies in using filters and categories effectively.

YouTube is a goldmine if you know where to dig. Use the search bar with specific keywords like “award-winning short films” or “sci-fi shorts”. Don’t forget to filter results by upload date, view count, or ratings to find the best content.

Vimeo, on the other hand, is often seen as the artist’s playground. It’s known for high-quality content and a supportive community of filmmakers. Use Vimeo’s categories and Staff Picks to zero in on exceptional short films.

So grab some popcorn, dim the lights, and dive into the enchanting world of short films. After all, in the realm of cinema, sometimes less is more.
