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How We Review Short Films

At Short Films Matter, we believe in the power of concise storytelling. Short films have the unique ability to distill emotions, ideas, and narratives into bite-sized experiences that can leave a lasting impact. Our mission is to champion these small but mighty films by providing thorough and insightful reviews that highlight their strengths and weaknesses. Here’s how we do it, using our five-star rating system.
Short Film Review

How We Review Short Films

At Short Films Matter, we believe in the power of concise storytelling. Short films have the unique ability to distill emotions, ideas, and narratives into bite-sized experiences that can leave a lasting impact. Our mission is to champion these small but mighty films by providing thorough and insightful reviews that highlight their strengths and weaknesses. Here’s how we do it, using our five-star rating system.
Short Film Review
The Five-Star Rating:

Achieving a five-star rating from Short Films Matter is no small feat. Films that earn this distinction demonstrate technical excellence across the board. This includes outstanding sound design, breathtaking cinematography, and seamless post-production work. The narrative must be strong and engaging, with well-rounded characters brought to life by a compelling script. Acting is another crucial element; praiseworthy performances (or, in the case of documentaries, engaging and informative voice-overs and contributors) are essential. Ultimately, a five-star film provides a rewarding overall experience it’s entertaining, moving, and impactful. These are the short films that stay with you long after viewing.


Four-Stars, why not Five?

A four-star rating signifies a film that excels in various areas but may fall slightly short in one aspect. These films are still praiseworthy and demonstrate a high level of skill and artistry. Perhaps the cinematography is stunning, and the narrative is engaging, but the sound design is not as polished. Or maybe the acting is top-notch, but the post-production work could use some refinement. Regardless, four-star films are highly commendable and contribute significantly to the short film landscape.


Three Stars: Engaging but Technically Limited

Three-star films are engaging and show promise but may have limitations in their technical execution or narrative development. These films capture our interest and have moments of brilliance, but they might lack the polish or cohesion found in higher-rated films. They may exhibit potential and creativity, making them worth watching, even if they don’t quite reach the heights of technical mastery.


Two Stars: The Amateur Filmmaker’s Learning Curve

A two-star rating is often given to amateur or first-time filmmakers who are still finding their footing. These films may show glimpses of potential, but technical and storytelling elements are misguided or flawed. The sound might be inconsistent, the cinematography may lack finesse, and the narrative could be disjointed or unclear. While these films have significant room for improvement, they also represent the early steps in a filmmaker’s journey, and we respect the effort and passion behind them.


One Star: Fundamental Flaws and Lack of Engagement

A one-star film lacks professionality and fails to engage the audience. These films have major technical and storytelling issues that are immediately apparent. There’s no strong sense of narrative, the characters lack depth, and the presentation seems careless or unfinished. Films that receive this rating have fundamental flaws that make them difficult to watch and appreciate. However, every film, no matter how flawed, provides an opportunity for learning and growth.

At Short Films Matter, our reviews are more than just ratings; they are conversations about what makes a film resonate, inspire, and entertain. We celebrate the diversity of short films, from the technically perfect to the ambitious first attempts. Every review is a step towards understanding and appreciating the art of short filmmaking, and every star awarded is a testament to the filmmaker’s dedication and creativity.

We invite you to join us in this journey of discovery. Explore our reviews, watch the films, and experience the magic of short storytelling. After all, in the world of short films, every minute counts.
