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How Long Should a Short Film Be?

The brevity of a short film can wield a remarkable impact. Defined as a film no more than 40 minutes (including credits), these mini movies distill narratives into concise and compelling experiences. But threading the needle on runtime can be a challenge, balancing engagement with conciseness. Let’s navigate this terrain and uncover the sweet spot for short film lengths.
How Long Should a Short Film Be

How Long Should a Short Film Be?

The brevity of a short film can wield a remarkable impact. Defined as a film no more than 40 minutes (including credits), these mini movies distill narratives into concise and compelling experiences. But threading the needle on runtime can be a challenge, balancing engagement with conciseness. Let’s navigate this terrain and uncover the sweet spot for short film lengths.
How Long Should a Short Film Be
Embrace the Short Format

At the heart of short films lies their brevity – a quality that beckons viewers with promises of quick yet meaningful storytelling. Attempting to elongate the runtime risks diluting the potency of the narrative and deterring audiences from hitting play.


Hitting the Mark: Aim for 10-20 Minutes

For filmmakers seeking the perfect balance, a runtime between 10 to 20 minutes typically strikes the right chord. Within this window, there’s ample room to develop characters, unfurl the plot, and immerse the audience without overstaying the film’s welcome.



Short films eyeing the festival circuit must pay heed to their runtime. Festivals often gravitate towards shorter films to maximize the breadth of their selections. Keeping your film within the 10-20 minute range not only enhances its chances of selection but also ensures it resonates deeply with audiences and critics alike.


Not Too Short, Not Too Long

Finding the Goldilocks zone for short film length requires a delicate touch. Too brief, and the narrative may feel rushed, leaving audiences yearning for more depth. Conversely, an excessively long runtime risks losing viewers’ interest and detracting from the film’s impact.


Embrace Conciseness

Every frame and line of dialogue in a short film should serve a purpose. Embrace conciseness in your storytelling, trusting the audience to fill in the gaps and allowing for a more immersive viewing experience. Respect their intelligence and let the narrative unfold organically.


Engage and Entertain

Above all, a short film’s primary objective is to captivate and entertain its audience. Strike a balance between pacing and substance, ensuring each scene propels the narrative forward while keeping viewers hooked from start to finish.


Bold and Captivating Narratives

Occasionally, short films defy conventions with either exceptionally short or longer-than-average runtimes. These outliers succeed not by adhering to strict guidelines but by delivering bold, captivating stories that resonate deeply with audiences. However, they often possess a strong following or a ground-breaking narrative to justify their unconventional length.

The ideal length for a short film falls within the 10 to 20-minute range, aligning with the format’s essence while maximizing engagement. Remember, in short filmmaking, less is often more – a sentiment that holds true in captivating audiences and leaving a lasting impression.
