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A dive into the indomitable spirit of three female surfers.


Centered around Rockaway Beach, New York City, this short documentary offers a poignant exploration of female surfers and their profound passion for the sport. Through intercut interviews featuring Katrina Del Mar, Jee Mee Kim, and Mary Leonard, the film beautifully captures the essence of their experiences, delving into the joys and challenges that have shaped their journey.

What stands out most is the portrayal of these women as strong, smart, and inspiring individuals. Each interviewee brings a unique perspective, lifting the lid on preconceived notions of the female surfing community and highlighting the empowering nature of their shared passion. The narratives are skillfully woven together, creating a compelling story that resonates with authenticity and depth.

The interviews provide insight into the transformative impact of surfing on these women’s lives. Without unnecessary embellishments, the documentary successfully crafts a compelling story that resonates with authenticity, showcasing strength and inspiration. The film stands as a testament to the empowering nature of surfing and the indomitable spirit of these remarkable women.

Brief Synopsis

A look at New York City’s surfing subculture through three female Rockaway Beach surfers. The documentary explores what it is to have a deep commitment and love of a sport, delving into the inherent challenges that surfing in NYC brings.
Away Short Documentary Film about Female Surfers


No artists for this title have been featured on Spotlight.


Director(s): Elisa Bates
Writer(s): Elisa Bates
Cast: Jee Mee Kim, Katrina Del Mar, Mary Leonard
Producer(s): Elisa Bates
Director of Photography: Dan Hedges, David Sosnow, George Bates
Animation (if applicable):


Runtime: 14 min

IMDb Page

Coming Soon




A dive into the indomitable spirit of three female surfers.


Centered around Rockaway Beach, New York City, this short documentary offers a poignant exploration of female surfers and their profound passion for the sport. Through intercut interviews featuring Katrina Del Mar, Jee Mee Kim, and Mary Leonard, the film beautifully captures the essence of their experiences, delving into the joys and challenges that have shaped their journey.

What stands out most is the portrayal of these women as strong, smart, and inspiring individuals. Each interviewee brings a unique perspective, lifting the lid on preconceived notions of the female surfing community and highlighting the empowering nature of their shared passion. The narratives are skillfully woven together, creating a compelling story that resonates with authenticity and depth.

The interviews provide insight into the transformative impact of surfing on these women’s lives. Without unnecessary embellishments, the documentary successfully crafts a compelling story that resonates with authenticity, showcasing strength and inspiration. The film stands as a testament to the empowering nature of surfing and the indomitable spirit of these remarkable women.

Brief Synopsis

A look at New York City’s surfing subculture through three female Rockaway Beach surfers. The documentary explores what it is to have a deep commitment and love of a sport, delving into the inherent challenges that surfing in NYC brings.
Away Short Documentary Film about Female Surfers


Director(s): Elisa Bates
Writer(s): Elisa Bates
Cast: Jee Mee Kim, Katrina Del Mar, Mary Leonard
Producer(s): Elisa Bates
Director of Photography: Dan Hedges, David Sosnow, George Bates


Runtime: 14 min

IMDb Page

Coming Soon


No artists for this title have been featured on Spotlight.