Alexander Tammaru‘s riveting short thriller plunges audiences into a realm of betrayal and retribution, pulsating through the tense dynamics between estranged siblings. Sarah Falsetti delivers a compelling portrayal as Jamie, a formidable female assassin driven by the quest to uncover the truth behind their father’s demise, opposite Elbron James who embodies her enigmatic brother. Tammaru deftly weaves a narrative entwining familial bonds with the darker facets of human nature, resulting in a story both intimate and intense.
Falsetti’s nuanced depiction adds layers to a character that could easily have remained one-dimensional, while James infuses the screen with palpable tension. Their performances intertwine seamlessly, anchoring the film’s shadowy core with gripping authenticity.
Paul Khailo’s cinematography lends the film a visually pleasing cinematic quality, enhancing its allure. However, it is the film’s shocking twist ending that leaves an enduring impression. Tammaru’s creation emerges as a standout piece of short cinema, distinguished by its compelling narrative, commendable performances, and exquisite cinematography.