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I Cannot Understand You

A thought-provoking short that offers a captivating philosophical exploration.


David Baeumler’s experimental film is a captivating philosophical journey that transports viewers through the marvels of travel, art, and adventure while seamlessly weaving in a metaphysical narrative. The film serves as a poignant reminder to eschew the superficial and embrace the profound beauty that unites us all on this planet. At its core, it urges audiences to cast aside the meaningless distractions and open their eyes and imaginations to the shared wonders of our world.

The fast-paced montage, predominantly set in various continental European cities, offers a visually stunning exploration of architecture, cityscapes, diverse cultures, and the vibrant tapestry of humanity. Kevin Silva’s evocative voice, emanating from a dated tape recorder, adds depth to the film’s narrative, guiding viewers through its intent with a thought-provoking message.

David Baeumler’s cinematography, presented in a deliberate 4:3 aspect ratio, showcases artistic prowess and experimentation, resulting in a visually arresting and intellectually stimulating experience. The film skillfully navigates the theme of human connection, emphasizing our commonality while transcending barriers like language.

In essence, Baeumler’s creation is a well-crafted and thought-provoking film with a meaningful purpose. It successfully merges artistry and philosophy, leaving a lasting impression that encourages reflection on the shared beauty that unites us all.

Brief Synopsis

Don’t fear life’s misunderstandings – let a philosophical Tape Recorder guide you through a world of fireworks, flowers and thrill rides.
I Cannot Understand You Short Film


No artists for this title have been featured on Spotlight.


Director(s): David Baeumler
Writer(s): David Baeumler
Cast: Kevin Silva
Producer(s): David Baeumler
Director of Photography: David Baeumler
Animation (if applicable):


Subjects: , ,
Runtime: 6 min

IMDb Page

Coming Soon



I Cannot Understand You

A thought-provoking short that offers a captivating philosophical exploration.


David Baeumler’s experimental film is a captivating philosophical journey that transports viewers through the marvels of travel, art, and adventure while seamlessly weaving in a metaphysical narrative. The film serves as a poignant reminder to eschew the superficial and embrace the profound beauty that unites us all on this planet. At its core, it urges audiences to cast aside the meaningless distractions and open their eyes and imaginations to the shared wonders of our world.

The fast-paced montage, predominantly set in various continental European cities, offers a visually stunning exploration of architecture, cityscapes, diverse cultures, and the vibrant tapestry of humanity. Kevin Silva’s evocative voice, emanating from a dated tape recorder, adds depth to the film’s narrative, guiding viewers through its intent with a thought-provoking message.

David Baeumler’s cinematography, presented in a deliberate 4:3 aspect ratio, showcases artistic prowess and experimentation, resulting in a visually arresting and intellectually stimulating experience. The film skillfully navigates the theme of human connection, emphasizing our commonality while transcending barriers like language.

In essence, Baeumler’s creation is a well-crafted and thought-provoking film with a meaningful purpose. It successfully merges artistry and philosophy, leaving a lasting impression that encourages reflection on the shared beauty that unites us all.

Brief Synopsis

Don’t fear life’s misunderstandings – let a philosophical Tape Recorder guide you through a world of fireworks, flowers and thrill rides.
I Cannot Understand You Short Film


Director(s): David Baeumler
Writer(s): David Baeumler
Cast: Kevin Silva
Producer(s): David Baeumler
Director of Photography: David Baeumler


Subjects: , ,
Runtime: 6 min

IMDb Page

Coming Soon


No artists for this title have been featured on Spotlight.