Directed by Zach Hagy, with the artistic direction of Stephanie Pizzo, ‘Past and Present’ is an experimental dance film that explores the beautiful chaos of an uncertain future – intertwined with the past and present. Inspired by Hagy’s own personal trials during COVID-19, the film, which is largely improvised by the dancers, gives an abstract interpretation of mental health and endurance. A contemporary performance that will stir a multitude of emotions.
The 3-minute film takes viewers on an enthralling journey of the human soul – gloriously filmed by Jesse Barron. Throughout the short, Alex Hlavaty, Brooke Mainland, Kelsey Lewinski, Michael Teasley III and Emy Bezbatchenko deliver a breath-taking showcase which is widely open for viewer interpretation. Liberation, emotional entanglement, struggle, and companionship appears to shine through the artistic creation. A scintillating watch from start-to-finish.
Zach Hagy and Stephanie Pizzo have crafted a stellar non-linear narrative that doesn’t shy away from abstract ingenuity. The entire cast of dancers deliver a spellbinding performance that will captivate, beguile and intrigue. Cinematography and lighting are of a cinematic standard – highly commendable craftsmanship by Jesse Barron. ‘Past and Present’ is a personal venture for Zach Hagy, who beautifully embraces his toils through the artistic expression. Highly recommended viewing.