A bone-chilling animation that delves into the supernatural


Written, directed and animated by Evan Ryan, ’917’ is a short animated horror film that explores the wounded psychology of a young man. Inflicted by military combat and the ensuing fatalities, the film delves into his bitter outlook of the world, sparked by depression, grief and paranormal conspiracy. The animation employs experimental imagery throughout, which is accompanied with Phil Rice’s stimulating voice-over. ‘917’ delivers a gripping narrative with a bone-chilling underbelly.

The 5-minute short film opens with the protagonist in isolation, observing the grim world outside of his window. As flashbacks of war conquer his psyche, the film takes a supernatural turn as we learn of his trepidation and anxiety over alien rule (in disguise) within planet Earth. A fast pace short with extraordinary metaphorical visuals from start-to-finish.

Evan Ryan has crafted a hair-raising film with enchanting imagery and sound effects. Phil Rice delivers riveting narration as the protagonist, which only aids the consternation. Ryan exceeds in mastering a physics engine software to construct the visual storytelling. Combined with stirring music and sound-effects, the result is highly engrossing viewing, albeit heavily experimental. The audience may need to watch twice to fully appreciate the narrative and the proficient graphics.

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