In this whimsical short film from 2014, Stacey T. Gillespie takes center stage as a flustered employee running late for a work meeting, finding himself in a lengthy elevator journey with a circus of eccentric characters. Brought to life by writer/director Alex Probst, the film unfolds as a comical ride, filled with outlandish personalities that inject humor into the confined space, delivering a few well-deserved laughs.
While the low-budget nature of the production is evident in the slightly dated appearance, the story is a well-crafted comedic escapade. Gillespie’s subtle yet effective acting adds a layer of authenticity to the central character, grounding the narrative amidst the chaos of the elevator circus. Notably, Joseph Compton steals the spotlight as a blind man unabashedly enjoying pudding, adding an extra layer of hilarity that enhances the overall comedic experience.
The film’s timing is commendable, and Probst’s direction ensures that the eccentricities of each character contribute to the humor without overwhelming the narrative. Despite its dated appearance, this short, whacky film succeeds in delivering an entertaining and laughter-inducing experience, making it a memorable addition to the realm of low-budget productions.