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Dreams of Aqua Marine

A fearless exploration of the good, the bad, and the ugly within the human psyche.


Brett Sixtysix takes audiences on a provocative and visually intense journey in his risqué experimental psychological film that unravels the intricate layers of Louisa’s subconscious. The central protagonist, brought to life through the diverse performances of Nicola Amerena, Rachel Watt, Gia Xiao, Lauren Napthine, and Sasha Cuha, navigates a realm of multiple personalities under Sixtysix’s direction.

The narrative is a bold artistic exploration, utilizing shocking and visually striking imagery, including nudity and unsimulated sex, to delve into the deepest recesses of the character’s psyche. Sixtysix fearlessly confronts the good, the bad, and the ugly with unapologetic scenes that challenge and intrigue viewers, sparking profound contemplation.

While the experimental and shocking nature of the film may not be everyone’s cup of tea, Sixtysix’s artistic vision deserves commendation and widespread respect. The portrayals by the diverse cast are brave, bold, and unapologetic, delivering precisely what one would expect from such a film. The complex editing and well-crafted sound design, intertwined with impactful musical tracks, contribute to the film’s seamless narrative, making it a dark and twisted cinematic experience that leaves a lasting impression.

Brief Synopsis

Through the eyes of The Observer we bear witness to Louisa as she embarks on a journey through her inner world, encountering different aspects of her psyche as other people. Some of them are friendly and helpful, while others are hostile and aggressive.
Dreams of Aqua Marine Short Experimental Film


No artists for this title have been featured on Spotlight.


Director(s): Brett Sixtysix
Writer(s): Brett Sixtysix
Cast: Gia Xiao, Lauren Napthine, Nicola Amerena, Rachel Watt, Sasha Cuha
Producer(s): Brett Sixtysix
Director of Photography: Brett Sixtysix, Dia Taylor
Animation (if applicable):


Runtime: 33 min

IMDb Page

Coming Soon



Dreams of Aqua Marine

A fearless exploration of the good, the bad, and the ugly within the human psyche.


Brett Sixtysix takes audiences on a provocative and visually intense journey in his risqué experimental psychological film that unravels the intricate layers of Louisa’s subconscious. The central protagonist, brought to life through the diverse performances of Nicola Amerena, Rachel Watt, Gia Xiao, Lauren Napthine, and Sasha Cuha, navigates a realm of multiple personalities under Sixtysix’s direction.

The narrative is a bold artistic exploration, utilizing shocking and visually striking imagery, including nudity and unsimulated sex, to delve into the deepest recesses of the character’s psyche. Sixtysix fearlessly confronts the good, the bad, and the ugly with unapologetic scenes that challenge and intrigue viewers, sparking profound contemplation.

While the experimental and shocking nature of the film may not be everyone’s cup of tea, Sixtysix’s artistic vision deserves commendation and widespread respect. The portrayals by the diverse cast are brave, bold, and unapologetic, delivering precisely what one would expect from such a film. The complex editing and well-crafted sound design, intertwined with impactful musical tracks, contribute to the film’s seamless narrative, making it a dark and twisted cinematic experience that leaves a lasting impression.

Brief Synopsis

Through the eyes of The Observer we bear witness to Louisa as she embarks on a journey through her inner world, encountering different aspects of her psyche as other people. Some of them are friendly and helpful, while others are hostile and aggressive.
Dreams of Aqua Marine Short Experimental Film


Director(s): Brett Sixtysix
Writer(s): Brett Sixtysix
Cast: Gia Xiao, Lauren Napthine, Nicola Amerena, Rachel Watt, Sasha Cuha
Producer(s): Brett Sixtysix
Director of Photography: Brett Sixtysix, Dia Taylor


Runtime: 33 min

IMDb Page

Coming Soon


No artists for this title have been featured on Spotlight.