Written and directed by Andrew Ball-Shaw, ‘Lavender’ is a short drama film that explores a mother and daughter relationship throughout the challenges of dementia. Caroline Vella stars as Violet, the concerned daughter, with Libby Wattis as dementia-stricken Fern. A poignant narrative throughout that is certain to bring a tear to the viewer. ‘Lavender’ doesn’t shy away from showcasing the testing grapples that comes with the mental impairment, particularly on family members and carers.
The 27-minute film opens with Violet attending to her mother at home. Fern’s state of consciousness is split between the confused present day and her gleeful past memories. As Fern’s behavior at home becomes increasingly unsafe, Violet arranges her move to a sheltered care facility – much to her mother’s resistance. The drama provides viewers with principal knowledge about dementia that underlies the entire narrative.
Andrew Ball-Shaw (Writer/Director) has created a moving piece of filmmaking that deserves high praise. Caroline Vella’s portrayal reflects the tribulation that loved-one’s encounter – an outstanding performance from start-to-finish. Libby Wattis delivers an emotional performance that isn’t over-stated – a thoroughly convincing watch that is played with authenticity and sensitivity. Cinematography, music, editing and sound are of an exceptional standard that keep viewers captivated and engaged. ‘Lavender’ is a remarkable drama that deserves appreciation for its goal of raising awareness. Highly recommended.