‘Wrecked’, a powerful short film written and directed by Stewart Hannah, delves into the fictional yet poignant tale of a male rape victim, portrayed with remarkable authenticity by Aaron Clelland. The 10-minute film unfolds within the confines of a group therapy session, shot almost entirely in one continuous take, creating an intimate and immersive experience.
The narrative opens with Matt (Aaron Clelland), whose anxious breath sets the tone for the compelling story he is about to share. Set just outside Glasgow, the film subtly explores the aftermath of trauma as Matt unveils his harrowing experience. The decision to shy away from dramatic visuals allows the audience to engage their imagination, heightened by Clelland’s exceptional performance, which seamlessly delivers 8 minutes of dialogue without any noticeable oversights.
Stewart Hannah‘s direction shines through the gentle cinematography, compelling fades, and dignified writing, creating a narrative that is both moving and deliberately thought-provoking. The film’s strength lies in its simplicity, as it courageously addresses the often overlooked voices of male sexual abuse survivors. ‘Wrecked’ emerges as a truly compelling and brave piece, leaving a lasting impact with its stunning performances and an emotionally charged portrayal that resonates with the silent struggles of many survivors.