
A poignant tale that will grasp the hearts of the millennial generation.


Written and directed by Trey Riley, ‘Youth’ is a short coming-of-age drama film that explores the close friendship of two teenage girls. Set in 1998, the film stars Lacey Caroline (Sarah) and Camila Escobar (Jessica), and delves into their pending separation as a consequence of relocation. Utilizing the era-specific 4:3 aspect ratio, production/costume design and prop artistry, the drama pays homage to a by-gone era of adolescence – prior to social media technology. A poignant tale of loss and friendship that will resonate with many.

Throughout the 14-minute film, the audience will become acquainted with Sarah and Jessica’s inseparable sisterhood. Anxiety and fear begin to overwhelm Sarah – as Jessica prepares to move out of town with her family. Despite distracting conversations, most notable about 90s pop culture, Sarah’s apprehension remains steadfast.

Trey Riley has crafted an exquisite American film with stellar cinematography (Alexander Rivera) and adept production design. Lacey Caroline and Camila Escobar give endearing portrayals that will force the millennial generation to reminisce. Two promising young actors to keep an eye out for. Sound, post-production color-grading and music are equally commendable. ‘Youth’ is a drama about unwelcomed change that is out of your control. A tear-jerker with an abundance of sentimentality. Highly recommended.

Youth Short Film


Runtime: 14 min

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