Written, directed and animated by Aya Najib, ‘Save the Planet One Turtle at a Time’ is a short animation film that gives a brief glance at ocean pollution and the effects it is having on the sea turtle. The 2D animation, with a musical soundtrack by Quantum Dream, showcases the man-made waste that is contaminating the ocean – causing detrimental effects on marine life and environmental protection. Despite the film’s fleeting runtime of 18 seconds, the overriding message is firmly coherent.
The 2D animation is part of a wider developing project entitled, ‘The Red Turtle’, which intends to illustrate the predestination of the species. Plastic waste (shopping bags) and fishing nets are the antagonistic subject of this tale – both of which bring about a perilous confinement that harms, if not kills the turtles.
Aya Najib has created a neat production with a promising expansion to come. The animation design and artistry is finely crafted – working well with the musical soundtrack. The animation would benefit from further examination in order to keep viewers engaged and educated.