The Closing Line

A tragicomedy about isolation, mental health and loss.


Written and directed by Andrew Ramon, ‘The Closing Line’ is a post-apocalyptic drama film that delves into the backstory of a stand-up-comedian. Starring Tom Lagleder as Phil – the sole character, the film acts as a character study that slowly unravels his mental instability. Set in real-time and in one location, the short explores themes of regret, loneliness, heartbreak, guilt and loss. A poignant watch with a comedic underbelly.

The 30-minute film opens with Phil, sheltered in his make-shift studio from dystopia, introducing a guest to his podcast – a stuffed toy rabbit called Ringo. When his line of questioning to Ringo goes unresponsive, he turns the topic of conversation to his own life story – unearthing his pre-apocalyptic career, anxiety, childhood and family life. A tragicomedy that unveils the jovial mask of a downhearted man in solitude.

Under Andrew Ramon’s exemplary direction, Tom Lagleder portrays a profound performance from start-to-finish. With an abundance of dialogue and an expedition of emotional range, Legleder delivers triumphantly. The film is wrapped up with stellar cinematography, sound and post-production. Audiences may be daunted by the lengthy 30-minute runtime, but the journey will not disappoint. Highly recommended viewing.

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The Closing Line


Short of the Year 2024