Rearranging Skin

A documentary that delves into the art of taxidermy.


Directed by Elizabeth Myer, ‘Rearranging Skin’ is a short documentary film that delves into the peculiar world of taxidermy – the act of preserving an animal’s deceased body. The film focuses on Divya Anantharaman, an ardent New York-based taxidermist, who educates the viewer on her devoted craftmanship and compassion. The documentary also explores the deep history of the artistry and the basic process of preservation.

The 10-minute film opens with an introduction to Divya and the misconceptions surrounding her occupation – most notably animal cruelty. Divya is leading by example in her field, focusing on ethically sourced animals who have deceased naturally and from a domestic/zoological setting. Divya believes that taxidermy projects a sense of wonder and beauty, which will hopefully lead to a wider affection and appreciation towards wildlife – especially amidst the global urgency to protect.

Elizabeth Myer has created a charming documentary that transforms an uninviting subject matter into marvel viewing. Divya Anantharaman in-depth knowledge is certain to captivate and entrance the audience. Divya’s love and respect for the animals she preserves is extremely endearing and deserves high praise for her proficiency and expertise. The film is delivered to a high-spec professional finish, with pleasing-the-eye cinematography, post-production and sound. Highly recommended.

Rearranging Skin Short Documentary about Taxidermy e1669675080399


Runtime: 10 min

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Rearranging Skin


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