Directed by Matt Elliott, from an autobiographical screenplay by John Alden, ‘A Royal Marines Disposition’ is a short docu-drama that delves into John Alden’s experience as a marine during the Falklands War in 1982. Tip Cullen, a veteran marine turned actor, conveys Alden’s personal story of courage, trepidation and patriotism. A compelling recount of war that will chill and astonish.
Throughout the 18-minute film, produced on the 40th Anniversary of the conflict, John Alden (Tip Cullen) talks through, in riveting detail, about his 8000-miles-from-home deployment aged just 19. Constructed in a documentary-style format, the narrative utilizes stock footage and personal imagery to visualize the themes and set the stark tone. Expect a hard-hitting watch.
Matt Elliott and John Alden have delivered a commendable collaboration with stellar cinematography, sound and post-production. Alden’s personal story will pull viewers in – enough to feel the cold climate and the shock of ammunition – which is all credit to Cullen’s stirring portrayal and the authenticity of his story-telling. As a former marine himself, Cullen’s performance is enriched by his own military experience – which otherwise may not have worked quite as well. The audience would be right to mistake Cullen’s performance as his own story – which is all credit to his flawless delivery. Highly recommended viewing.