Jailbird Diner

A gritty animation about calculated revenge.


Directed and animated by John Borges, from a screenplay by Borges and Matt Pagourgis, ‘Jailbird Diner’ is a short animated thriller that explores a calculated act of retribution. Voiced by Alexia Stetzel (Tanya) and Larry Crandus (Richie), the narrative centres around a sassy waitress who manipulates an ex-convict who has just been released from a nearby penitentiary. The animation is artfully crafted – enhanced by its riveting plot which is certain to keep viewers on tenterhooks.

The 7-minute film opens with a tense exchange between the disgruntled diner (Richie) and the piercing waitress (Tanya). The audience will be startled by the psychopathic tendencies of Tanya – as her true vengeful intensions are quickly revealed. Without spoiling the concluding storyline, the narrative takes a sinister turn at the midway point, where reprisal and conflict grow turbulent – leading to a cataclysmic finish.

Under John Borges brilliant direction and animation, ‘Jailbird Diner’ is well-executed with impressive artistry throughout. The color pallet used is intensely dramatic, setting the fiery tone perfectly. Stetzel and Crandus (vocal talent) deliver gritty fool-proof dialogue that compliment the enthralling genre. Music and post-production are equally commendable. ‘Jailbird Diner’ takes an extreme look at revenge, with its edgy atmosphere, stellar craftmanship and compelling narrative. Highly recommended.

Jailbird Diner


Runtime: 8 min

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