
A spectacular web-series that delves into a dystopian Earth.


Directed by Steve Squall and Justin Gustavison, from a script by Steve Squall, ‘Mujo’ is a science-fiction based web series that delves into the self-reliance of young women amidst the precariousness of a dystopian Earth. Starring Olivia Duff as Meta, the opening episode acts as a character study to the protagonist, exploring her mundane off-grid lifestyle in isolation. Episode 1, titled ‘Chapter A, Da Introduction’, probes the themes of mental health and survival. An awe-inspiring watch with stellar cinematography throughout.

The 18-minute episode introduces us to the repetitively mundane lifestyle of Meta. Loneliness and occurring nightmares overwhelm her psychological state, which incites self-satisfying stimulation from alcohol, tobacco and masturbation. Throughout the episode, a lurking suspense is evoked by a mysterious device that is counting down the days – which leads Meta and the audience into the next chapter of the narrative. A riveting tale that will captive, enthrall and entertain.

Squall and Gustavison have crafted a remarkable introductory episode that promises an exciting continuation. Olivia Duff delivers a spectacular, albeit a somber performance with little dialogue, from the offset – viewers are certain to be invested in the character by the closing credits. Visually; special effects, cinematography and post-production are of a high-level cinematic standard that will keep the audience engaged with the thrilling narrative. Highly recommended viewing.



Runtime: 19 min
Genre: ,

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