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A typical teenage comedy.


Directed by Nick LaMarco from a script by Jackson Shipman, ‘Noose’ follows suicidal Paul (portrayed by Jackson Shipman) who’s life-ending attempts are comically interrupted. This American dramedy takes a glimpse at the bleak teenage-life of Paul and his enthusiastic friend Michael (Allan Weedman) – who stops at nothing in his efforts to bring light into his friends darkness. The short takes place over the course of a single day.

‘Noose’ raises integral themes such as mental health and companionship but with a familiar teenage nuance; masculine banter, steeling alcohol and girls. Shipman and Weedman work off each-other well to deliver various moments of comedy – albeit with a typical adolescent undertone. Post-production could have been polished further to remove unflattering over-exposure and audio mixing, but luckily this doesn’t take away its charm.

The narrative in this 18-minute short is solid – supported by intriguing characters and witty dialogue throughout. The ending may prove surprising to some, as it appears our protagonist resumes his suicidal quest – undermining the second act. Jackson Shipman (Paul/Writer) provides an engaging performance, but Allan Weedman (Michael) steels the stage with his boyish charisma and innate hilarity. ‘Noose’ succeeds by showcasing tender moments intertwined with comic relief. A favourable short film all round.

Noose Short Film e1638981808854


Runtime: 19 min
Genre: ,

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