‘Another Swell Day’ is a short animation by Evens Yurvie Angulo-Duvil with the goal to raise awareness to a little-known blood disease. The coming-of-age narrative delves into the emotional and physical hurdles of a Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) patient. HAE is a rare and potentially life-threatening genetic condition that involves recurrent attacks of severe swelling. The 2D animation predominately focuses on the flare-up of symptoms – from the view-point of an insecure school girl.
The 3-minute short opens with the protagonist in a state of fatigue at home. A voice-over narration is introduced, allowing the viewers to acknowledge the characters inner thoughts. At school, the girl experiences further emergence of symptoms – severe swelling of her hands and feet. She speaks of the continuous battle of body and mind, on top of the humiliating distinction of her peers. The narrative concludes with a positive twist, as we learn about the kind hearted community of those who suffer.
Evens Yurvie Angulo-Duvil deserves high praise for bringing attention to the disease with crafty illustration. The showcase of symptoms, with the perspective of an adolescent, gives a distinct level of the hardship faced by the sufferers. Viewers will feel compassion and admiration for those battling the disease. The animation will bring a sense of hope and support. A poignant watch with an important message. Highly recommended.