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A brewing tension unfolds, shadowed by an imminent threat, in this gripping apocalyptic drama.


In J.W. Cox‘s apocalyptic drama, the intricate dynamics between brothers Corin (Zach Hurley) and Abe (Jim Foreman) unravel amidst a backdrop of growing infatuation and impending danger. Corin’s attraction to Abe’s pregnant wife, Mel (Caitlin Wilson), sets the stage where the true threat may not be the antagonistic enemy, The Monster (Isaiah Highley), but an internal conflict within the group itself.

This compelling storyline weaves a narrative exploring the complexities of relationships amidst imminent peril. The film, without divulging plot spoilers, presents a startling narrative climax that leaves the audience aghast and captivated, taking them by surprise.

Benjamin McClain’s high-quality cinematography, featuring captivating widescreen shots, adds a layer of visual sophistication to the film, making it a commendable piece of filmmaking. The stellar acting by the cast further enhances the overall impact, immersing the audience in the characters’ struggles and conflicts.

While the film successfully maintains a riveting atmosphere, a more extensive exploration behind the apocalyptic setting could have enriched the narrative depth. Nevertheless, Cox’s creation remains a riveting watch with an unexpected twist, leaving audiences both captivated and thrilled.

One Short Film


Runtime: 13 min
Genre: ,


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