Jorge Hamilton’s dystopian experimental animation offers a profound exploration of human ignorance towards our existence, the planet, and the nature we inhabit. The film unfolds through deliberate, slow-moving animation sequences, complemented by haunting sound design and poetic text, constructing a gloomy apocalyptic narrative. Hamilton’s artistic vision is evident in the non-linear, experimental nature of the film, where the narrative might prove challenging for some viewers to follow.
The deliberate pacing, especially with the title sequence spanning over 5 minutes, contributes to the film’s atmospheric and contemplative tone. While the 2D animation itself showcases commendable craftsmanship by Hamilton, the slow pace and non-linear structure might pose challenges in maintaining viewer engagement. The post-production work is notably effective, enhancing the overall impact of the film.
Hamilton’s effort in creating a unique and experimental piece is commendable, offering a visual and auditory experience that delves into the darker aspects of human existence. However, the extended duration and unconventional narrative approach may limit its accessibility for some audiences.