Written and directed by Marlene Emilia Rios, ‘Heathens’ is a short horror thriller that delves into a husband’s marital affair and the consequences of his infidelity. Brad Johnson portrays the narrative antagonist, Dylan, with Rosella Doda as his long-suffering wife, Emma. Jo Shirley completes the cast as Dylan’s mistress (Anna). The film explores themes of revenge and female empowerment.
The 5-minute film opens with Emma discovering Dylan’s adultery. As the narrative unravels, Emma, along with Anna (the mistress), inflict fatal torture on Dylan – sparking vengeance and retribution for his deception and disloyalty. ‘Heathens’ is a passionate thriller that will keep viewers gripped until the closing credits.
Despite having a limited run-time, with little character dialogue, the short manages to engross viewers with its riveting plot-line – filled with sexuality and torment. The entire cast deliver fine performances throughout, particularly Rosella Doda (Emma). Technically, the film is well-crafted with industry-level lighting, cinematography and sound. Post-production is equally commendable. The film would benefit with a greater backstory to evoke viewer empathy with the protagonist, but nonetheless, the film is delivered to a decent standard. Marlene Emilia Rios has created a stylish short that will captivate, thrill and entertain viewers. Highly recommended.