Written and animated by Corey Davis, ‘Red’ is a short romance film that explores the blossoming relationship between two high school sweethearts. The narrative spans the course of 12 years, showcasing the highs and lows of their romantic journey. The film is entirely produced without character dialogue, with the storyline conveyed through emotions and online messaging. A charming animation that doesn’t shy away from highlighting the hurdles of young love.
The 24-minute animation opens with Red and Herman first locking eyes on each other in the classroom. After a year of friendship, Red embarks on their first kiss – sparking a new chapter in their love story. The narrative follows their adolescent courtship, with high school prom and subsequent graduation. When Red is accepted into an overseas theatre program, their love-story dwindles into a circumstantial break-up. A touching story of love, heart-break and hope.
Cory Davis has created a misty-eyed animation that will take the audience back to their first love. The lack of dialogue throughout the lengthy short has its own strengths and weaknesses. Viewers will still see the characters lips move in conversation, which at times can be mysteriously frustrating. On the other hand, the lack of understanding gives the film a saccharine quality. Animation is nicely constructed throughout, with musical composition aiding the tone perfectly. An endearing short worth watching.