
In a world where artificial intelligence dreams of creating art.


Ryan Chester’s thought-provoking experimental film, guided by the essence of Isaac Asimov’s storytelling, takes viewers on a captivating journey into the aspirations of Cal, an AI robot voiced by John Colley. Through Marshall Berenson’s nuanced portrayal of Jackson and Anthony DeNitto’s physical embodiment of Cal, the film delves into Cal’s profound desire to create art, mirroring his owner’s passion for filmmaking.

The narrative raises compelling questions about the evolving relationship between artificial intelligence and creativity, exploring the very essence of whether AI can produce art. As societal paradigms shift, this futuristic tale challenges viewers to contemplate the potential redefinition of artistic expression.

Chester’s direction skillfully captures the existential struggle of Cal, crafting a visually engaging experience complemented by sound, editing, and production design that meet a commendable standard. The film’s cinematography neatly frames the evolving dynamics, enhancing the emotional depth of the characters.

With its experimental edge, the film fascinates audiences, inviting them to ponder the boundaries of creativity, technology, and the evolving nature of artistic endeavors. Chester’s work stands as a compelling testament to the changing landscape of art and artificial intelligence, leaving viewers both intrigued and contemplative long after the credits roll.

Cal Short Film


Runtime: 16 min

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