An experimental tale that chronicles a young woman’s emotional psyche.


In Aspen Nell’s experimental creation, ‘ENFP’, the psyche of a young woman, portrayed by Anna Scattoni, takes center stage. Nell masterfully employs dance as a language, weaving a complex narrative that explores the depths of the human mind, encompassing the highs of serenity to the lows of mental anguish.

The film’s strength lies in Scattoni’s compelling performance, depicting various facets of her character’s emotional spectrum with profound authenticity. Each shift, from serenity to hysteria, is artfully depicted through a play of lighting colors, adding depth to the storytelling. While the film’s low-budget constraints are visible in the amateur cinematography, the raw intensity of the narrative manages to shine through.

‘ENFP’ is a daring venture into the realm of experimental cinema, utilizing movement and visuals to convey a turbulent psychological landscape. However, the limited dialogue and occasional lack of context might pose challenges for some viewers, leading to potential misunderstandings. Further dance sequences or subtle dialogues could enhance the clarity of the storyline. Despite its limitations, Nell’s work stands as a commendable attempt to capture the complexities of human emotions through the language of dance and imagery.



Runtime: 7 min

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