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A short animation that explores the lifespan of a Mayfly.


Animated by Celine Chan, ‘Mayfly’ is a micro-short documentary film that utilizes animation to explore the fascinating lifespan of a Mayfly. Mayflies are widely known for their short lifespan. Adult mayflies typically live from several minutes to a couple of days – with reproduction being their only purpose. The film rewards viewers with an insight into their brief existence.

The 86-second film opens with the end of life of an egg-producing Mayfly. The animation focuses on the three development stages; egg, naiad, and adult. The film showcases, through breath-taking animation, the transformation. Audiences will be captivated by the level of detail and creative ingenuity gone into this production. Despite its super-short runtime, the film is a pleasure to watch and will encourage viewers to learn more about the aquatic species.

High praise to Celine Chan. A gifted animator whose passion for the natural world and her artistic craft have resulted in a highly educational film. ‘Mayfly’ deserves high acclaim for its compelling narrative and visuals. The animation is second-to-none with a commendable professional finish. Coupled with the soundtrack, the film is neatly wrapped up with fine post production. Highly recommended.

Mayfly Short Film e1655550718502


Runtime: 1 min

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