Written and directed by Jozeven June, ‘Twin Aces’ is a short thriller film that explores a young man’s pursuit to win an underground poker game. Timothy Kennedy leads the cast as Marcus, with Sarah-Michele Guei as his twin sister, Dani. Additional cast include; Ariana Pantaleo, Luke Brodowski and Dylan Perez. The film delves into themes of crime, revenge and family. Viewers will be captivated by high suspense throughout.
The 13-minute film opens with the sound of a car accident. We are then introduced to Marcus, the injured driver. The film jumps back in time where we see Marcus and his sister plotting a poker win – in an attempt to raise funds for their mother’s life-saving surgery. Throughout the film, we witness the intimidating criminal-run game, intercut with Marus and Dani practising his techniques and manipulative tactics. A tense watch from start to finish.
Timothy Kennedy delivers an outstanding performance as Marcus from the get-go – a well-polished actor destined for stardom. Sarah-Michele Guei’s portrayal is equally commendable. Timothy and Sarah-Michele showcase a solid partnership that will keep viewers engaged until the closing credits. Partially inspired by his own gambling experience, Jozeven June (Writer/Director) has created a fine short film with a riveting narrative. Cinematography, sound, music and post-production is of a cinematic quality – expect a professional finish. Highly recommended.