Written and directed by Tim Hewitt, ‘Broken Shelter’ is a short thriller film that explores the relationship between an ex-couple during a terrorist attack outside their home. Kobna Holdbrook-Smith leads the cast as Tim, with Jaye Jacobs as Jade. Anabel Kutay stars as Tim’s love-affair, Jamileh. A chilling short that delves into themes of survival, love and race. The film is entirely shot using an iPhone.
The 13-minute thriller opens with Tim waking up on the sofa. Whilst discussing arrangements for his departure from their home, after a fling with a store worker (Jamileh), a loud explosion can be heard from the streets. Desperate to help, in any way he can, Tim attempts to rescue a wounded cyclist, his Muslim lover Jamileh, and a mysterious young woman (Amelie). The film takes a dark turn as Amelia is discovered to be wearing a suicide vest, sparking a gripping conflict of morality.
Despite being a low-budget production, with iPhone cinematography, the film is delivered with admirable quality. Cinematography, sound and post-production are of a commendable standard – not widely seen with smartphone movies. The narrative is highly compelling, gripping and well-constructed from start-to-finish. Stand-out performances from Kobna Holdbrook-Smith (Tim) and Anabel Kutay (Jamileh) will keep viewers engaged until the closing credits. Tim Hewitt has created an enthralling short with high drama, action and suspense. A riveting watch. Highly recommended.