Written, directed and animated by Charles Kline, ‘Nursery Crimes Part One: The Ominous Overture’ is a short animation film that puts a spine-chilling twist on traditional English nursery rhymes. Adapted from his book, ‘Mother Noose Nursery Crimes’, Kline’s narrative interpretation is illustrated with dark and eccentric illustration throughout. A chilling watch.
The 7-minute film is split into several short segments, each containing a nursery rhyme with a disturbing conclusion. ‘Old Mother Goose’, ‘There was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe’ and ‘Jack and Jill’ are some of the classics that are reimagined. The animation is primarily animated in black and white with sinister, albeit well-constructed illustration. Orchestral music is played from start to finish which gives the film a unique quality.
Charles Kline has created an extraordinary piece of film that is certain to haunt anyone familiar with the nursery rhymes. The creativity of the 2D animation is highly commendable. It is worth mentioning that this was his first attempt at the craft. Kline’s eerie characterization and reimagined artistry is something to take note of – a promising talent to keep an eye out for. The short film is part of a trilogy series, so viewers can expect more haunting interpretations. Highly recommended.