Gian Niggli’s short film takes viewers on a captivating and non-linear journey through the frantic experiences of one woman on her way to a romantic date. Portrayed skillfully by Selina Dubacher, the film explores the challenges they both encounter as they wrestles with communication issues, resulting in her being late. Alongside Dubacher, Alina Ehrle and Simon Illitz deliver compelling performances that further heighten the tension within the narrative.
Niggli’s approach to storytelling is truly intriguing, expertly intertwining scenes of her date’s cooking and preparation. This juxtaposition adds layers of depth to the film and keeps audiences engaged as they piece together the puzzle of her journey. The use of reverse-motion towards the conclusion of the film provides a clever twist, allowing previously mysterious events to become clear.
The cinematography in this short film is a standout feature, impressively capturing the nuances of the protagonist’s state and the bustling urban environment she navigates. Despite minimal dialogue, the acting remains top-notch, with the performances conveying a myriad of emotions effectively.
Overall, this short film delivers a unique and mysterious viewing experience that keeps viewers invested from start to finish. With fantastic cinematography, compelling acting, and an engaging narrative structure, Niggli showcases their talent for crafting an intriguing and highly recommended piece of cinema.