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A tale of innocence, childhood mischievousness and the fractions of brotherhood.


Written and Directed by Dan Perlman, ‘Cramming’ centres around the strained friendship of Alex and Yan Bo after the middle-school suspects them of cheating in an exam. A delightful comedy, albeit quirky, that touches the heart.

Alex (Alex Chaves) is downcast by possible betrayal – or perhaps humiliation of being outed as a cheat. Meanwhile his peer, Yan Bo (Yan Bo Lin), appears unfazed – a clever tactic perhaps. The truth is never revealed – doing so would only wash out the concept of the film. A tale of innocence, childhood mischievousness and the fractions of brotherhood.

Dan’s subtle comedic style helps the viewer connect with the brutality of school-life and the pressures that ensue. The use of melodic instrumentals in scene transitions pay a fitting tribute to the sitcom era. The heart of the story shouldn’t be comical, but the supporting cast of varied-ages deliver fine moments of comic relief in the most unassuming ways.

Alex and Yan Bo, the two leading actors, deserve high praise for their respected roles. The film concludes with their suspension and as they sit parallel on a crowded train home, Yan Bo apologises after accidently elbowing Alex – perhaps there is a deeper meaning?

Cramming Short Film Review e1655314019911


Runtime: 15 min
Genre: ,


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