Ninety Seconds

A gritty crime drama that explores grief, loss and justice.


Kevin J. McCorry‘s ‘Ninety Seconds’ is a short film that masterfully explores themes of justice, loss, and retribution. Set in Belfast, the film tells the story of Detective O’Connor’s visit to an incarcerated man in prison – which is connected to the disappearance of a young girl. The film’s narrative unfolds slowly, as the viewer is gradually drawn deeper into the mystery, uncovering harrowing information related to the case.

The film’s strongest asset is the fantastic acting, with Gerry Grimes delivering a stunning performance as Detective O’Connor. Timothy Fergusson is equally captivating in his role, and the two actors engage in compelling head-to-head conversations that keep the audience riveted. The limited location shooting and real-time editing add to the suspense and intensity of the film.

The cinematography by Ben Robinson is outstanding, with its highly cinematic quality elevating the film to another level. The sound design and post-production also deserve recognition for their contribution to the overall haunting atmosphere of the film.

As the story slowly unravels, the audience is constantly kept on edge, wondering where it will lead. ‘Ninety Seconds’ manages to both intrigue and startle, and is a mystery drama that is sure to entertain fans of the genre.

‘Ninety Seconds’ is a highly commendable work of cinema that deserves to be seen by anyone who appreciates quality filmmaking. With outstanding acting, fantastic cinematography, and a tightly-woven narrative, this 17-minute short is a riveting watch that is sure to leave a lasting impression. Highly recommended!

Ninety Seconds Short Film


Runtime: 17 min


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