Star Crossed

A poignant drama that delves into grief, COVID-19 and unexpected luck.


Pat Bradley‘s 15-minute drama film is an emotional exploration of grief, the consequences of the pandemic and a woman who struggled to cope with both. The movie shed spotlight on one woman’s immense grief after death tore away both her husband and daughter.

Ashley Weismantel delivers a painful yet poignant portrayal as the grieving mother and cash-strapped nurse. The struggles that her character — albeit fictional — goes through feel all too familiar to those who have gone through the same sets of experiences. Ashley Weismantel was undoubtedly perfect for the role, showcasing vulnerability and strength all in one performance.

Grief and the COVID-19 pandemic hold central significance throughout the narrative, making it a relevant watch regardless of one’s personal experiences. All in all, a considerable credit goes to Pat Bradley’s narration, direction, and choice of theme that captures not only the fears and worries of the people but also the agony caused due to the pandemic.

As for the technical aspect, the cinematography, executed by Christopher Escandon, is fantastic while the vibrant and vivid color palette complements the scenery. The finest aspects of this short film have come together nicely, leaving a profound impression upon its audiences. It is a beautifully crafted work that offers a moving and poignant insight.

Star Crossed Short Film


Runtime: 15 min


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Star Crossed


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