Written and directed by Pranav Kothary, ‘Here’ is a short drama film that unravels the mental anguish of a young man in despair. Emmanuel Uceta leads the cast as Em, who, upon reaching his 30th birthday, finds no grounds for celebration. Devlin Stark co-stars as Lisa – the protagonist’s deceased sister. Set entirely in one location (Em’s bedroom), the film explores themes of aging, depression and loss. A poignant tale that acts as a solemn reminder to rediscover appreciation for life.
The 6-minute short opens with Em waking-up in sorrow. Lisa (Em’s sister) sits at the foot of his bed with a candle-lit cake singing “Happy Birthday”. His melancholic state intensifies. Throughout their conversation we learn that Lisa has since passed away. As she strives to give her brother a spark of motivation for life, her own despair rises to the surface – leading to an epiphany of sorts with Em.
With stellar direction by Pranav Kothary, and exemplarily acting delivery by Uceta and Stark, ‘Here’ is a charming piece of film that deserves an abundance of acclaim. Maxwell Geoffrey’s adept cinematography is beautifully composed – bearing in mind the set restrictions. Sound and post-production are equally commendable. The audience can expect a light-hearted narrative, in spite of the doom and gloom subject matter – with credit to Devlin Stark’s jovial performance. A worthy watch that promises a renewed zest for life.