
A poignant drama that delves into a father’s grief and guilt.


‘Within’, the short drama film written and directed by Christopher Key, is a touching exploration of grief and the healing power of organ donation. The film centers around Michael, portrayed by Neil Hobbs, a father who is struggling to come to terms with the tragic death of his young daughter due to a freak accident on holiday.

Hobbs delivers an outstanding performance throughout the film, capturing the raw emotion and overwhelming guilt that Michael experiences following his daughter’s passing. The film’s documentary-style, fictional interview format creates a sense of authenticity, and the cinematography by George Myer is exceptional, capturing the character’s every word and facial expression, creating an intimate atmosphere.

The film’s exploration of both loss and the possibility of healing through organ donation is poignantly authentic and may be comforting to those experiencing grief. The message is tactfully conveyed, neither underplaying grief nor oversimplifying the issue of organ donation.

Overall, ‘Within’ is a remarkable piece of cinema that explores the depths of human emotion, providing a heartfelt and valuable perspective on the enduring power of love and loss. Key’s direction meshes perfectly with Hobbs’ outstanding performance and competent cinematography, guiding the viewer to an emotionally powerful conclusion. ‘Within’ is a short film that should not be missed by anyone interested in exploring the complexities of grief and its aftermath.

Within Short Film


Runtime: 7 min

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