Written and directed by Joe Fuller, ‘Independence’ is a short experimental drama film that explores the mental health of a young man living on his own. Joe Fuller leads the cast as the central protagonist (Daniel), with Ilayda Boyaci in a supporting role. The poignant tale delves into themes of regret, trepidation, loneliness, isolation, family and depression. In spite of the film’s low-budget delivery, the drama is superbly crafted throughout. The somber narrative is certain to resonate with many who have or had lived alone.
The 8-minute film opens with Daniel (in narration) talking about his desire to move out of his childhood home, albeit with anxious hesitancy. Whilst set-up in his new apartment, alone, Daniel questions his life purpose, his dwindling financial security and the missing piece to make him happy. Without spoiling the succeeding narrative, the drama concludes in an uplifting manner that will no doubt bring hope to some.
Joe Fuller has created a captivating piece of film that doesn’t shy away from exploring the distress of living life alone. Cinematography, sound and post-production is nicely orchestrated to Fuller’s cinematic style. Fuller’s performance as Daniel is highly impressive, albeit melancholic and downcast as the narrative requires. The use of voice-over narration throughout aids the overall tone of detachment, isolation and internal struggle. Highly recommended.