Written and directed by Raphael Frost Gonzalez, ‘Remind Me in an Hour’ is a short comedy drama that explores the relationship between a young couple. Bobby Slaski stars as Jared, a young man who gives little attention and affection to his girlfriend (Alexandrea Meyer). Their relationship is tested when she discovers a reminder on his cell-phone to “Break up with Lauren”. A solid drama with an unexpected twist.
The 9-minute film opens with Jared returning home from work. Whilst occupied on his phone, Jared’s girlfriend attempts to steel his attention and interact. The film is a sobering watch and doesn’t shy away from showcasing the humdrum of a long-term relationship. As Jared changes out of his day clothes, his girlfriend notices a reminder on his phone to “Break up with Lauren” – causing an internal crisis in his girlfriend’s mind. Raphael Frost Gonzalez has created a clever narrative that explores the opposite of dramatic irony – with a bolt from the blue conclusion.
Despite being filmed on a smartphone, the cinematography is surprisingly outstanding. Lighting, sound and editing are equally terrific. Alexandrea Meyer’s stunning performance will certainly bring about audience empathy – an admirable execution. Bobby Slaski delivers a splendid performance as the antagonist – a captivating watch throughout. High praise to Raphael Frost Gonzalez and his cast and crew. An indelible short film. Highly recommended.