Unheard Stories: Kenya

A beautiful documentary film that highlights the deaf and disabled in Kenya.


Directed by Raabia Hussain, ‘Unheard Stories: Kenya’ is a short documentary film that highlights the deaf and disabled community in Kenya. The film stars Raabia Hussain, a hearing impaired activist and filmmaker who travels from England to help the children embrace their difference. A touching film that will inspire, uplift and educate.

The 8-minute docu-short opens with Raabia’s backstory in Oldham, England. Raabia was born into a “silent world” that affected her mental health. Luckily, she found support in the deaf community and recovered her lost identity. Raabia is an incredible humanitarian and her film showcases the fantastic work she is doing to help those less fortunate. The documentary follows her journey to Nandi Country in Kenya, where she has teamed up with Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) and International Citizen Service (ISC). We are introduced to the teachers of some of the special education schools, where they talk of the parental shame surrounding disabilities and the lack of educational training and support. The documentary doesn’t shy away from showcasing the children affected.

Raabia Hussain has created a touching film that will keep you captivated and educated from start-to-finish. High praise to all involved in this production. The film not only raises an important international subject matter, but it highlights the good of humanity that will certainly warm your heart. Visually, cinematography, sound, editing and music are of the highest standard – the audience will be captivated and engaged until the closing credits. A beautiful documentary worth watching.

Unheard Stories My documentary on the lives of Kenyas Deaf Short Film e1651756797341


Runtime: 8 min

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Unheard Stories: Kenya


Short of the Year 2024