
A drama that explores the perils of drug addiction.


Written and directed by Angelo Perez Lebbink, ‘Flash/Crash’ is a short drama film that explores the perilous life of an aging drug addict. The narrative centers around Brahim, portrayed by Karim El Guennouni, who’s addiction has left him, and others around him, afflicted with mental health issues. Additional cast include; Meriyem Manders as Marion, and Abdenbi Azzaoui as Ab. Set in the Netherlands, and in the Dutch language (with English subtitles), the drama examines the consequences of the Drug-fueled lifestyle of the central character.

The 12-minute short opens with Brahim taking delivery of an illegal substance. Marion, an anguished sex worker, accompanies Brahim – where learn more about her own misguided life path. Without spoiling the concluding narrative, the drama gears off into a disturbing tale of depression – the audience can expect hard hitting viewing.

Angelo Perez Lebbink has crafted a riveting short with stellar cinematography (Gijs Roodhart) and editing (Django Agterberg). Karim’s performance, although dialogue limited, is highly captivating and is certain to leave viewers bewildered by the closing scene. A melancholic portrayal by Meriyem Manders seals the films fate – a gripping execution that deserves high praise and recognition. Lighting, sound and special makeup effects are equally commendable. Highly recommended.

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