
A music video about one woman’s pursuit to happiness.


Written and directed by Elisa Pluta, ‘Whisper’ is a music video that explores the isolated existence of a young woman. Elisa Pluta leads the cast as Animus/Anima, with Matthias Schubert co-starring as the performing vocalist/musician. The video delves into themes of mental health, inner strength and personal enlightenment. The low-budget production is filmed in an unknown German city, without any character dialogue. The musical lyrics are in English and German. An experimental narrative that is presumably open to viewer interpretation.

Throughout the 4-minute video, Schubert enthralls with his catchy guitar-led romantic number ‘Whisper’. Entwined with the stage performance is the story of an isolated young woman, Anima. Confided to her bedroom in a state of melancholy, the narrative follows Anima’s journey to happiness and liberation as her alter ego slowly emerges. Animus, a confident jovial spirit awakens inside, leading her out into the adventurous night life.

In spite of the films low production value and blurred narrative, Pluta delivers a reasonable artistic creation that is bound to stir viewers emotions. The musical soundtrack is pleasing to the ear, thanks to a commendable performance by Matthias Schubert. An endearing film that may divide opinion.

Whisper Short Film


Runtime: 5 min

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