It Lives Somewhere

A thriller that explores mental health and female empowerment.


Written and directed by Lee D Barnes, ‘It Lives Somewhere’ is a short thriller that explores one woman’s mental health. Nikki Hellens carries the entire film as Nancy – delivering a profoundly moving performance throughout. Barnes has created a short that delves deep into human psychology – with the goal to shine a positive light on the viewers self-worth. Dan Mullan stars as The Clayman with Heidi Smith as Little Nancy. Additional cast include; Adam Smith as the father, Maisie Buzzard as Teenage Nancy and Edward Harrison as the Therapist.

The 11-minute film opens with Nancy (Nikki Hellens) indulging in a hypnotic-like therapy session. After visualizing her fears and anxiety, through the character of The Clayman, Nancy recollects her childhood through objects, locations and her younger self. Vulnerability and depression have encompassed the protagonist, but with guidance from Little Nancy (Heidi Smith) and her father (Adam Smith), she is able to regain her self-esteem and empowerment.

Lee D Barnes (Writer/Director) and his cast/crew have created a touching thriller that beautifully captures mental health through visualization. Narratively, the film excels in structure, dialogue and characterization. Cinematography, production design, sound, music and editing are of the highest standard – which will certainly keep viewers engaged. The theme of female empowerment is weaved throughout the storyline – concluding with an uplifting tone. High praise to the entire cast for delivering exceptional performances. Highly recommended.

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