Written and directed by Elias A. Hinojosa, ‘Lullaby’ is an experimental film that explores themes of motherhood and mental health. Zoe Wright carries the film with her captivating role as a mother with a dream. Alan Nelson co-stars and provides a humorous, albeit disturbing performance. ‘Lullaby’ is a short that shines a light on the dreams and challenges of single mothers.
The 6-minute film opens with our glamour protagonist singing on a stage. Zoe Wright’s vocal delivery is astounding – her soulful tones will keep viewers engaged. The short takes an unexpected turn as we see our main character visiting a client in a hotel room – dressed as a dominatrix. Cash is exchanged for sadistic services – “mothering” a client (Alan Nelson) who is dressed as a baby (diaper and all). The film continues with mother-and-baby role play, which certainly provides comic relief.
Elias A. Hinojosa and his cast/crew have delivered an astounding short that excels visually and narratively. Cinematography by Brittany Marsh is eye-catching and of high quality. High praise to Zoe Wright – a commendable performance from start-to-finish. The film concludes with a twist, unravelling a darker message – the unrealized dreams of single mothers. ‘Lullaby’ is an original short that deserves a lot of attention. High recommended.