Written and directed by Sam Turner, ‘Point Five’ is a British short dramedy film that cunningly combines the subject of climate change with drug-dealing. Daniel Allen stars as Ben – an anxious cocaine buyer. Stephanie Houtman stars as Faith – Ben’s excitable accomplice. Kaine Buffonge completes the cast as the intimidating drug-dealer.
The narrative kicks off as Faith persuades a nervous Ben to buy cocaine from a seemingly friendly drug-dealer. Despite his hidden reservations, Ben picks up the courage to arrange the deal. Suspense and thrill quickly turn comical when Liam – the intimidating dealer – demands an additional 10p for the plastic bag.
Daniel Allen’s performance as Ben is highly entertaining – rewarding viewers with dark humour throughout. Kaine Buffonge’s portrayal as Liam (the drug dealer) is filled with unpredictably and tensity – providing multiple moments of comic relief. Stephanie Houtman (Faith) delivers a fine performance as the seemingly street-savvy cocaine user. The cast work tremendously well together and this deserves high praise.
The 8-minute film is delivered in high quality throughout, with astonishing cinematography, lighting, sound and music. Sam Turner and his cast/crew have created a glorious film that should be a case-study in short filmmaking. A unique film that highlights an important message. Highly recommended.